It’s That Time of the Year Again!
On January 1st, I did the same thing I’ve been doing on that date for the past 29 years. I reviewed my goals from 2016 and set new goals for 2017 and beyond. It’s a habit I developed back in 1991 when I attended my first Anthony Robbins seminar. Tony said many things that day that I’ve taken to heart and have tried to live by. One of the most valuable ideas he taught me that cold winter day in February was this: don’t spend more time planning a two week vacation than you do your entire life. I thought wow, what a novel idea. Or, to put it another way, as Jim Rohn has stated “go to work on your goals and they’ll go to work on you.” They were both right. I feel bad sometimes while teaching our Practice Development Seminar for those in the group that yawn their way through the goal setting exercises. Don’t they understand how important this is, how vital it will be to their success? I try to impress upon each seminar attendee how this simple exercise had such a profound impact on my life. I went from a negative net worth in 1991 to one in the millions of dollars just a few years later. I quit my awful two pack a day cigarette habit and became a master in Tang Soo Do over a 20 year period. It all started and has progressed through the simple act of knowing where I am and where I want to be, and then working damn hard to get there.
It seems so simple, right? Write down your goals, review them from time-to-time and adjust the set of your sail to match the direction of your life. If it’s so simple then why do so many fail to do it? It falls under what is easy to do is also easy not to do. In the new home my wife and I just purchased, above my office door is stenciled the following: “We cannot direct the winds, but we can adjust our sails.” Beautifully stated and oh so true. If you don’t know where you’re going in life and you don’t have time frames for achieving your dreams, you can drift endlessly on the sea of life hoping to reach a destination you have no clear concept of with no map to guide you there. It’s the goal-directed, driven individual who figures out what they want and then develops a plan on how to achieve it. So why not make a goal this year to really build your practice or perhaps it’s time to start that firm you’ve always dreamed of. While you’re at it, add NCI into the mix. You may have a goal to build a million dollar firm but you’re also going to need a proven methodology to get you there. We offer exactly that and our marketing programs have worked for thousands of firms all over the U.S. and Canada.
To help you on your important new journey I have attached the exact same goal sheets we hand out at every NCI seminar. Take time to review them and think about the road ahead; the adventures, vacations, family plans, business, health and spiritual goals you aspire to. Sit down in a quiet place and plan out the next year of your life and beyond. Don’t be afraid to dream up big goals for yourself because those who think small achieve little. While you’re at it, if you’ve been thinking about attending one of our seminars or signing up for our Client Acquisition Program (Plan 2) put that on the list or better yet, pick up the phone and do it. Make 2017 the year you work with NCI to realize your dream of a brighter and more profitable future.
To Your Success and becoming a “Goal Getter!”
P.S. We are offering a great savings on our Client Acquisition Program on start dates now through April but those dates are going fast so don’t delay, call us today 1-800-338-0778 for available start dates and pricing.