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Julia Shaw, CPA Julia started working with NCI back in 2010, but for personal reasons had to turn off the marketing program. Then in 2014 when it was time to grow again she contacted us and in four months she has reached $58,270 in new annualized billings.

Robert Roth, CPA Started with the NCI program in April 2013. He will share his story of how they got off to a rocky start but with NCI’s assistance was able to turn things around quickly.

Victor Romandine, The winner of NCI’s 2014 National Sales Race, Victor was honored at our October 24th to 26th Practice Development Seminar in Las Vegas. Victor brought in an amazing $230,490 in new annualized monthly billing clients in only 12 months for Robert Roth’s CPA firm in Madison, WI.

Gary enrolled in our Plan 2 Program and has experienced incredible growth. He has used NCI’s services since this interview and experienced similar success.

“It works so well it’s difficult to keep up with the growth in the firm.” A good problem to have and NCI has a solution to processing the work as well!

Joe Trujillo, NCI Senior Account Executive, Joe has seen the NCI marketing program from two perspectives: first as a being a successful CSR for an accounting firm where he brought on over a hundred thousand dollars in billing; and now, as a sales trainer for NCI, where he has worked successfully installing our marketing plans nationwide.

Chris Hinkle discovered NCI through a CPA who successfully ran our Plan 2 Program. He ordered our Home Study Kit (Now known as the Online Academy) and surpassed the one-year billing guarantee in just three months adding over $30,000 to his practice!

Where are you in terms of gross billings today? We will surpass $1,000,000 in billings this year, after only 5 ½ years since using the NCI marketing program. I might also add that the majority of this growth was realized during our first two years, and then we curtailed our full time marketing effort.

Dan enrolled in our plan two program which guarantees growth of 300,000 dollars in new business in 2 years. Once he hit that guarantee, he decided he wasn’t done growing!

Steve Sykes, “I am just a better person because of NCI” What a compliment! Watch the video to see what else he has to say about NCI and what we offer to the market.

Meir Spear was able to grow a practice that could sustain him using his effort combined with our methods.

Client Testiminal from Roger Stadtmueller, CPA

Mike Lanier, 80 new clients on his First plan 2 and 150 new clients since his most recent Plan 2 Program in 2005. Hard to believe? Call us and we can help you to reach the goals you have set for your practice!

Curious to know more? Reach out to us at the number below and we are happy to answer any questions you may have!

Back in 1996, Troy had a tough time finding clients and wasted a lot of time, effort, and money. He then contacted NCI. He tested our system with Plan 1, saw the results and realized the power of our methods. Troy had around 24,000 in billings and grew it to 6,000,000 with our Plan 2 program.

Editors note: as of October 2010 this is now a $3.1 Million Dollar Firm. Hard to believe? Call us and we can help you to reach the goals you have set for your practice!

Curious how Keith was able to attain such explosive growth? Reach out to NCI today to find out how we can help you achieve your goals!

Having spent the last seven years working for an executive benefit consulting firm, Don was ready to go out on his own. “I always wanted to start my own business, so I called NCI to discuss buying a practice.

He attended the marketing seminar and shortly thereafter undertook the Plan 2 Client Acquisition Program (CAP.) This was all the way back in July of 1991! He was a start up back then and has since built an impressive $800,000 accounting firm.

After spending seven years taking a high tech firm public, Bob Mason, CPA from Santa Cruz, CA decided it was time to be on his own. “I had worked for an internet company that was doing telemarketing and sales, and had spent 20 years with various high tech firms. At times it was a roller coaster ride with firms running hot and cold.

Duane signed up for our Client Acquisition Program, Plan II, and attend the seminar in November 1986. “We started marketing in December and signed up 13 clients our very first month. For the next five years our goal was nine clients each month and we hit eight per month.”

“We are on track to do $800K this year.” When discussing highlights of his practice development journey, Nathan said one of his greatest moments was after his first 90 days in practice, the firm was not only breaking even and covering all operating costs, but providing an income for him as well.

Who hasn’t at some point daydreamed about leaving their corporate job? Not having to answer to a boss and creating your own destiny (not to mention hours) is too appealing not to dream about. As you will read below in our interview, Chuck Foley, CPA had a high paying corporate job with Prudential insurance for ten years.

Sue Cirocco had been a corporate controller for some 20 years, but always wanted to be in her own practice. Being a single mother to four children would not allow her to pursue that dream until just recently. After getting married again and having two of the kids out of the nest, Sue felt it was time to pursue that dream.

Bradley has had extensive experience with New Clients Inc. Bradley has used the Plan 1 program to test the waters and build his first practice to sell. He listed and sold that practice through NCI. He then initiated a Plan 3 program to grow a new business from nothing.

A NCI client located in Indiana who began using our services in 1995 and has been reaping the benefits ever since. Hear his own words on what NCI was able to do for him and his firm!

In this video Joe Pancerella lays out the benefits of partnering with New Clients Inc., and what NCI’s 25+ years of experience can do for your accounting firm. Make sure to check out our services online, and see how we can help you grow!

Jose Caro wanted to fulfill his dream of quitting the 9-5 schedule and striking out on his own, establishing his own accounting firm. He came to NCI for help with client acquisition, and enrolled in the Practice Development Seminar I and never looked back.

Eric is yet another success story in the 27 year history of NCI. An accountant who freely admits that CPAs aren’t trained in sales, Eric found great value in attending the Practice Development Seminar I-and has come back recently to get his already successful company moving further into the green with the PDS II, where NCI adds a personal touch to increasing your annualized billings.

John has been a long time adherent of the NCI system. He’s utilized the Practice Development II Seminar 3 times now to grow his practice whenever he feels like he’s needed a boost to his practice, and as you can see from his testimonial, he’s never regretted it.