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North Shore area, Illinois Practice Fact Sheet

Practice Fact Sheet:

North Shore area, Illinois
Supplied by New Clients, Inc.

Total Gross Income:


Net Profit:


Purchase Price:

$188,125 – Financing available to qualified applicants. Various programs available. Call for details.

Year Established:


Accounting, bookkeeping, Compilations:

Quarterly Clients: 2  Avg Fee: $550 Total: $2,200

Income Tax:

Individuals: 285  Avg Fee: $473   Total: $134,700  
Businesses:   16 Avg Fee: $850 Total: $  13,600

Computer Software:

QuickBooks, Ultra Tax

Seller is requesting the following additional information from buyer:

Once the above items are provided to NCI, I will arrange a mutually convenient time to view this practice. Any questions, please call.

For more information please contact:

Chris Clark
Practice Sales Specialist
New Clients Inc.
Cell phone: 856-404-0949

Chris Clark
Practice Sales Specialist